Monday, October 8, 2007

Let's Insulate!

How Cute Is She?! I had to lead off with the newest chicken in the house. We're all ready for Halloween! Now on the the serious stuff... (more images of her later)

Wow, was the weather perfect on Saturday to do just about anything! I'm sure many were washing cars, mowing the grass, watching their favorite football team play or their kids kick the ball around. For the 12 others at my house, we sweated like never before as we focused mainly on two things, hanging insulation/plastic and regrading the front yard.

Sean jumped in the skid steer early, around 9:00, and didn't get out until around 2:30. Stopping only for a brief lunch and back at it. He did a great job and I replaced him for a few hours at the end so that his back could recover some from the constant shaking and rumbling that a skid steer puts the body through. He did the lion's share of leveling the front yard and reworking the back yard 'swamp' that hold water when it rains. All in anticipation of installing irrigation this week in the front yard and side yard before it gets too cold. Hopefully then next Spring I'll actually have grass for Ellie to run around on while she plays in 'her park'. That was a huge success for the weekend as we've been having just enough rain lately that we couldn't get this done without creating a larger mess than we started with because of the weight of the skid loader. So I'm happy that has finally moved forward .

Sean takes a 'spin'/working to make it smooth

Inside the other 11 were hard at work hanging, stuffing and shoving insulation into every nook and cranny they could find on the second and first floors. I really can't put into words how much stinkin' work it takes to shove fiberglass into holes and gaps. It's messy and sticky and extremely itchy. I know everyone that helped now has a much better appreciation for long-sleeved shirts and cold showers! In the end, the second floor is now completely ready for drywall and the first floor is done except some sheets of plywood I will be hanging tonight in the dining room. YEHAWW! Now the only thing left is to really focus on the basement this week and get it finalized and ready too. It's a tall order, but hopefully I can get a few helpers during the week as the numbers for next weekend are already starting to sound thin.
Joyce & Ed D. install insulation/As does Shana D. (not related)

Jane smiles for the birdie/Christine S. cuts insulation

Neil S. installs insulation - and looks great doing it!

Elisha, Ryan & Sarah fill in the kitchen/Joyce & Ed work in the living rm

Greg S & john p davis work in the master bath/careful Greg!

Sean & I re-install one chute to a new SHORTER dumpster (#9)

Now a brief update on Ellie -
she's getting HUGE and talking like a little person everyday. It is great fun to watch her process the moments and learn through everything. It's a real challenge to keep in mind that she soaks everything in and I have to remember that I can't do certain things or she will mimic those and then I'll be in trouble. An example, you can teach her the 'happy face' or the sad face or the surprised face, but don't teach her the mad face otherwise she'll know to use that when she's frustrated and then I have way larger problems on my hands. While that's somewhat of behavior manipulation, it's teaching her to focus on the good more than the bad.

It's also a challenge to stay on top of what others are teaching her. I am very fortunate in that everyone that 'has' Ellie is always aware of my wishes of how to raise her and try very hard to follow those. I have heard my share of horror stories of how some people don't listen to the parent's wishes and then spend the next few days/weeks untraining their child. I am blessed that everyone works so hard to raise Ellie as Leslie and I wish to and that makes harmony much easier to achieve.

Our little chicken girl/Playing piano w/ Gma Caryn

Playing 'cheerleader' on top of my legs

The above photo is the costume that Grandma Caryn got her last week in anticipation of the upcoming events. The outfit is a tad big right now which makes it look even more cute, but with the way she's gowing I have a feeling that she'll be fitting it perfectly by the end of the month. I guess she was standing in front of the floor mirror at Russ & Caryn's and just giggling at herself. That's great stuff.

Well enough already, time to move on to the next couple of steps on the house. Hoopefully you all are able to stop in for a bit to check it out. If you wear the appropriate clothing I'll even let you hang some drywall! Have a great week.


Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of Ellie. She is getting so big. I wish I could see her twick o tweeting.

Jana said...

That's one cute chicken!

Shana said...

"Old MacDonald had a..." I can hear her singing it now ;-)

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