Monday, September 10, 2007

Those Darned Inspectors

This weekend was another great weekend of getting things checked off the to do list, the unfortunate thing was that the list continued to grow half way through the day!
I had a crew of my two sisters, my brother, Shana D, Amy T and Matt B. that really put their shoulders into the work and got quite a bit done. Before I get into the weekend's work though I want to mention the help that showed up during the week.

On Wednesday night, my good friend Mike M. and his two younger brothers, Andrew and Nathan, along with Brittany V, can over and we installed 80% of the backyard irrigation system in about 3 hours. We actually worked so late we ran out of daylight and couldn't get it all completed. They taught me how to set the heads and install the junctions so that I could complete the sprinkler heads and such and they didn't need to be there to help. I'm excited about the idea of having grass back there instead of dirt or a forest. We're making progress.

Then Thursday night Ron V just showed up and wanted to help. So he pulled electrical lines for the basement that hadn't been completed. It was a tedious but very-needed job that made inspections go well (we'll get to that later though). Then on Friday, Russ V. was in town and he and I took the evening to install a few more sprinkler heads and plumbing joints. It had rained about 2 1/2" of rain the night before and needless to say it was messy. I had a great time though with Russ doing hard, physical labor that a couple of times left us laughing as well as grunting though the bog.

On to Saturday's work day. I had all the supplies and was ready to rock and roll as folks strolled in. My brother was first and we immediately started in on the the LAST vent through the roof for the 2nd plumbing system! It was a glorious moment I tell you to be done with the drain lines that started over 2 1/2 months ago when we broke the concrete in the basement and put in a new connection into the main stack. (Truth be told though, the plumber has a few things to finish like replacing part of the cast iron stack and making a connection that we added for the existing bathroom - but that's on HIS list of to do ;-) There are still a few things on the wet lines to complete this week and I can have the plumbing inspection - yahoo! After that inspection is complete it's just the heating and cooling - which I just heard from the installers will be completed this week as well.

So we finished that, put my sisters and Shana to work furring out the third floor ceiling so that there is more room for insulation (poor Shana). ;-) Actually my sisters worked well together and got a huge amount done with only one small dormer left to complete, so it's waiting for them.

About half way through the day (lunch time and I was really hungry by then) I received a call from the electrician that he had finally heard from the inspector. It was an 'okay' inspection'. There were about 12-15 things that needed to be changed/fixed before he'd allow us to move forward. CRAP! So the work day schedule just got rearranged. That list had officially become the Bible for the next three days so that we can get a final approval. The electrician had said he was also going to come up on Tuesday evening and work on the larger, more technical items like wiring the larger appliances, rewiring the dining room, etc. So we went to work on things like hanging new boxes for the bedroom ceiling fans, running new wires for a few missing outlets, adding safety clips in can lights and fart fans and a host of other like items. Needless to say it ate up the rest of the day. It was good to hear from the inspector, but a bit deflating that the list was so long.

On Tuesday Jeff the electrician was up from Pella and worked the afternoon doing his big jobs on the list. I honestly cannot begin to thank him enough for all that he has done on this house. He has really made the very technical aspect of replacing all of the wiring in my house very simple for me. I never realized the extent of the complexity of wires it takes to power today's average home could be so great. It has made me appreciate even the simplest thing like a wired door bell that needs to be thought through from the beginning so that it's in the right place and done correctly.

Then on Thursday Brittany came up from Pella one last time to help me before she heads off to Spain to study for the semester. We spent the evening running a few wires but mostly re-wiring all of the can lights in the basement and kitchen since they were made up incorrectly. A huge pain to do and it made us miss out on Dairy Queen that I had promised Brit because it took us past 9:30 to finish everything. SO Brit I owe you a huge Ice Cream Sandwich when you get back because that final push made the inspection on Friday possible.

Which brings us to the inspection #2 on Friday. WE HAVE THE ELECTRICAL APPROVED (except the basement and the stinking ceiling fan boxes)!! YAHOO!! YIPPEE! That means only the plumbing and the heating and cooling are left before insulation can go in! Man we are SO close! If you think about, please say a quick prayer that these final two utilities are completed this week so that we can move on to the next major stage this coming weekend.

Thank you all who have helped get the electrical to the stage of completion. I can't wait to turn on the lights with a switch so we don't have to continue the 'drop light musical chairs' every night as we work. The day light is getting shorter and the approval of electrical is a major step.

1 comment:

Shana said...

NOT poor Shana, are you kidding?! I would work with them any day - I thought we made a great team =)
Mary? Elisha?...any night this week for you to go and finish it, since "it's waiting" for us?!