Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Walls Are Cumbling-Seriously

Well crumbling is a bit of a stretch, unfortunately not too much of a stretch. This weekend we finally came across one of those moments that everyone 'expects' to go wrong and roll your eyes at when talking about them. We were trying to complete the header installation in the house so that all rooms and remodeling would be complete. This led to the 'easiest' of widening of the existing opening to the eat-in area of the kitchen that will expand the kitchen to double its size (roughly 11x22 in the end). About three minutes into the project and cutting the mortar that held the existing bricks in place, it all started coming down, literally.

Whoever thought a brick facade of brick on a balloon framed house would ever be an issue when the rest of the house is as solid as a rock? But when an addition that was put on the house 70 years ago and was only tied into the brick facade, and then the foundation shifts, the brick facade is not going to hold, period. If you don't believe me, I am more than happy to show you the wall that left us scratching our heads for the better portion of a Saturday.

Needless to say men wielding sledgehammers and concrete saws were made to trade in those for chisels and support blocks - and the homeowner was now breathing down their necks watching closely as the walls literally swayed as someone would touch the support beam. We got through it and are thinking we have a solution that will make the outside walls as solid for the next 90 years as they were for the first 90 (although prayers for insight and careful hands would be appreciated).

This leads to the discussion of needing the foundation of the eat-in area of the kitchen. Another project to add to the list that needs to be completed before Ellie and I can move in. To this point I've been blessed to not to have found the mysteries/catastrophes that are often hidden in the walls of old houses. If this is the worst that happens, Leslie and I spent our time well researching and having contractors going through before pulling the trigger, and the Lord has continued to guide me in a blessed life and gives me only what I can handle. That old saying that the Lord only gives you what you can handle, may be true, I just wish He didn't trust me so much. Honestly, though I think it's not that he trusts me, rather I think he wanted me to realize the great support network I have of family, friends, church, my faith and even this blog. I see that although I may be a strong person, it is this network that gets me through the times when I'm not. It's hard to always keep this perspective, but it is one that I try to keep in the forefront during those rough moments.

Back to the house breifly before I sign off. We are moving forward with the installation of the wiring, the HVAC and starting the plumbing. A great moment on asmall scale is that the plumber acting as my guide, asked the inspector about the bathroom on the first floor that didn't quite meet code, that I thought I might have to redo 'secretly' at a later time' will actually be able to be refinished at the same time as everything else without problems! So when you come over for dinner you won't have to go upstairs to powder your nose! Just a little note of praise. More details to come, hope you come back soon.

P.S. feel free to leave messages as it's nice to hear feedback of things that are meaningful or just that you're doing okay and all things are well with you and yours. or leave a message at the below email.


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